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Video Surveillance Signs

Our template, integrated by the “Smart Glance ©” pictogram system, fully responds to what is required by current regulations:

New CCTV Signs after Guidelines 3/2019
Not only compliant, but SMART too!

Our “Smart Glance ©” pictogram system has already been spontaneously adopted by numerous public and private institutions throughout Italy.

Simplicity can also be pleasant to look at!
Our signs are immediately recognizable without giving up aesthetic pleasure. Who said that simple must be synonymous with ugly?
We can send them to you already customized, ready for use!

If you want, you can contact us to receive your signs already filled in by our designers (including QR Code). Beautiful and ready for print!

CCTV Signage Requirements

Old CCTV Warning Signs - CCTV - GDPR compliance and signage

GDPR: Is your CCTV signage compliant?

Most of the video surveillance signs currently in use can no longer be considered as compliant; with the introduction of the Guidelines 3/2019 (adopted definitively on January 29, 2020), the old signs are no longer sufficient to transmit to data subjects that information which, although still considered “minimum”, is expected by the EDPB (European Data Protection Board).

The new signs need much more detailed information.
Below, point by point, we analyze the sections that compose our sign.

The new template, point by point.


This section, integrated with the Smart Glance pictograms, responds to the need to inform, at a glance, of the presence of a video surveillance system in the premises.


We identify the Data Controller and provide the contact details, including the DPO ones (if any). The headline tells us if the treatment consists only in real time monitoring or in the recording/storage of the images.


Information on the greatest impacts of the processing. This can include for example the legitimate interests pursued by the controller (or by a third party). The sign should contain any information that could surprise the data subject (WP260, par. 38). That could for example be transmissions to third parties, particularly if they are located outside the EU, and the storage period.


We inform the data subject of the existence of his rights and we refer to the more detailed second layer of information.


How to find the more detailed second layer of information?

Data subject can be invited to view it at the reception or at the waiting room (for example).
It is best if the first layer information refers to a digital source (e.g. QR-code or a website address) of the second layer.

Smart Glance ©

Adopted by Public and Private Institutions.

After GDPR entered into force, we created a system of pictograms devoted to bringing the Principle of Transparency of the European Regulation to the highest levels (principle that provides that information intended for the public is easily accessible and easy to understand) and to reward immediacy.
Smart Glance makes it clear at first glance the nature of video surveillance (if in real time, recorded or connected to the police) and the duration of any data retention.

In a short time, the system was adopted by numerous public and private institutions.

The FIRST ONE, the most copied and imitated!

Choose now the sign that suits your video surveillance:

How it works:

  1. Choose (below) your type of sign and fill in the form with your data.
  2. Receive (in a few hours) a draft for approval or for changes.
  3. Once you approve, receive a high resolution PDF file, Print-Ready, with your fresh new Data Compliant GDPR CCTV Warning Sign.

The cost of the service is 40 euro.
For any further information, contact us at

Real-Time video surveillance, without image recording

Video surveillance with Image Recording (Data Storage)

Video surveillance linked to Police Headquarters

For the purist: the EDPB CCTV Warning Sign, enhanced with our SmartGlance© System

CCTV Surveillance GDPR - EDPB Guidelines template
Universal CCTV SIGN Template
Fillable PDF - Fully Customizable in EVERY LANGUAGE

GDPR Second Layer Information Template - FREE!

A Gift for You! Download now our second layer information template (art.13 GDPR) as Rich Text Format (.rtf) and in Open Document Text (.odt).

An help to customize your information in an elegant way.

Always remember...

QR Code Video Surveillance

What is a QR code?

A QR code is a two-dimensional barcode that can contain both internet addresses, texts or telephone numbers. It is readable by any smartphone equipped with an application for reading QR codes (QR reader).

Signs Manifacturer?

Are you a signage manufacturer? Would you like to distribute prints of our blank signs in your country (with exclusive license)? Contact Us!

Lingua Italiana | by Daniele Luciani P.I.01164530451

GDPR Video Surveillance


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